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Critical Information on Enemy Tab

Jul 25, 2010
So what exactly does the "Block %" mean on the enemy tab when you hover over an attack that can critical?
If the first number just shows your chance to critical, then what's the point of the block percentage?

Oct 16, 2014
The "Block %" is the target's chance to block your critical hit. This mean there are 2 opportunities to avoid critical damage:
  1. The critical fails (CriticalChance <= RNG).
  2. The critical succeeds but is blocked (BlockChance > RNG).

This means your actual Critical Success Chance is {CriticalChance * (1 - BlockChance)}.

If you are asking why it is separate and not joined, this is because there are flat bonuses for both (ex: Vengence and Conviction) so it's less taxing and more organized to separate them (speaking from a programming POV).

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
This number is also effectively useless.

This shows the chance that you will Critical hit on a mob AND then they will block it. So most of the time it's really low. I think the highest I've personally seen is like 8%.

Jul 25, 2010
John Hawkstone on Mar 18, 2022 wrote:
The "Block %" is the target's chance to block your critical hit. This mean there are 2 opportunities to avoid critical damage:
  1. The critical fails (CriticalChance <= RNG).
  2. The critical succeeds but is blocked (BlockChance > RNG).

This means your actual Critical Success Chance is {CriticalChance * (1 - BlockChance)}.

If you are asking why it is separate and not joined, this is because there are flat bonuses for both (ex: Vengence and Conviction) so it's less taxing and more organized to separate them (speaking from a programming POV).
This would make sense, except for the fact that the presence of a conviction does not change the block percentage on the enemy. It still shows a very low amount, even 0%.

Feb 13, 2010
Due to the critical changes making block impossible to see (unless the game bugs out) block might seem pretty pointless right now. I'm wondering what they plan to do to block, because leaving it out of the game could cause confusion so lets see what they do.

Right now, the game just wants to show you the chance that your critical could be prevented, The critical system is working in quite a nice way right now, with all those new balance changes to make it easier.

They have made blocking much more rare, to help allow people to critical more easily. it's the byproduct of our new system.