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Crown Shop Pets

Mar 16, 2009
(This would include pets you get from bundles, even if they aren't necessarily from the Crown Shop. Any pet that you obtain using Crowns or real-world currency.)

When you buy a pet from the Crown Shop, it should instantly be Ultra with its stats completely maxed. All without spending any energy or snacks. Not only this, but the person buying the pet should be able to pick which talents it manifests.

Time and time again when pets are introduced to the Crown Shop I see the same exact criticism: Don't buy the pet when you can hatch for it instead. Hatching is great for the community, but it means that it's a bad idea to buy pets this way. Instead of making harder or even impossible to get the pet this way (which would be disastrous), I think that there should be an extra incentive to buying the pets.

This doesn't obsolete the process of making and training a pet. Because while you do get to skip that process, the pet is still only first-gen. Its stats are imperfect and it won't have all the talents that you want even if you can choose which ones you get. It'll just be a nice bonus for people who spend money on pets.