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quick sell gear...QUICKER?!

Aug 03, 2014
Do you ever help a friend, team, or simply go questing and recieve items you have no need for? Have you ever found your backpack full to the top and not knowing which overwhelming pile of robes and boots to start with?! Although the solution may be as simple as taking a moment to stop and sell your item, who wants to do that, when someone (aka: me and probably many others ;) ) had the briliant idea to add a quick sell button to the preview popup?!

Close your eyes and picture it...you and your friend won! They even lvled up! but you look to the left, only to find boots and other item that are not a good match for your wizard. Instead of stopping, your friend is ready to jump back into action. How are you going to tell them no? Well... SOlUTION! As you click the button to "preview" your new boots, you see a new button to the left of "equipt" and "done"! It says "quick sell!" Could it be?! Can I get rid of the below-average boots with one simple click, turning them into hard-earned gold?!

This idea may need some minor fixes, so plz add on! I think it may require the amout of time we see these preview buttons to the left to be extended as a way to track what a person has seen and decided to "quick sell" or not. Another way to track would be a better notification system. The small chat box that holds all of our conversations from the commons seems a little...small for this job! This makes me think we could use a notification center... which is a different idea that ties into somthing else I thought of aswell, hold on, let me write this down in my notes!!

Anna Seaflower 77