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Weird drop distribution for final Lemuria boss- is it a bug?

Mar 10, 2015
I have been talking to a lot of players, i went through the expansion on my death. I defeated the final boss 14 times. Here is an approximation of what i got

-merciless: one every 2 runs, with occasional 2, and 3 drops occasionally

-malevolent: almost every run 2-3

- magician: one every 7 runs

so clearly we can see that from my runs at least, merciless drops a lot more then the tier 2, and 3. Which is weird knowing it is more rare

- Most common drops where fire, storm, balance, life: NOT ONE DROP of death

- Rings, got 4
- amulets got a few
- robes drop the most for me

when i spoke to others, they almost always had a similar experience, of getting drops but never for their school. So my question to kingsisle, did you intentionally program the drops to be lower for the school of the PC?

i mean, it makes sense, you want players to grind longer, but if i suspect this suspicion to be true, i think it is dishonest and you should consider fixing it. At 14 runs, i would have hit the probability distribution of at least 1 drop for death. I even got 2 jewels.

If you had a similar experience, feel free to say so.