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World Art Books

Jun 16, 2010
Recently Wiz has been producing these in-game Art Books. There are only 4 of them so far.

-Wizard City

My first concern is, why was the Dragonspyre book produced/released prior to the Mooshu Book? Moreover, Will there be a Mooshu book?

These are really cool and interactive but the images are somewhat small, sadly they only appearing approx 3"(inches) by 3"(Inches). Some of these images have amazing detail and should be seen in larger scale.

Lastly, I feel like there is a lot of content lacking from the books. Some of the renderings feel as though they were created post production, as I feel like there would be more differences between the conceptual designs and what we see in game.

Let me know what you all think of the Art Books!

Jul 15, 2010
Hey, longtime player here and recent return-ee.

I absolutely adore the art books and would love to see them included for every world. I just got done building a library in my Briny Deep Retreat that includes all four and I really want more. They're wonderful. Finally, you can build a library with actual readable books!

My only wish (besides there being one for all the worlds) is I wish there was more art. I'm not mad that the photos aren't bigger, one of the reasons I've continued playing Wiz for so long is it isn't extremely graphics heavy. But the books always leave me wanting more.

In general, though, I'm a huge housing fan and having interactive books is so awesome to me.

Please, keep going!