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interactive housing item bug

Apr 18, 2013
There is a bug with certain interactive housing items that we sit in.

For example, I just accidently pressed X and sat in the interactive Sleigh (I forget the full name for this and can't find it through a google search) and now I am doing Spiral Scene rate-a-castle. The bug is the the icon in-between item 'identifier' and 'rate this house' is now turned into 'Gardening'.

I have seen similar bugs with these housing items that we can sit in. Summer chairs, friendship table, etc.
These items mess with the icons on the lower right side of the screen. I now have to logout completely to fix the icons.

May 22, 2010
It's funny you mentioned this, I was considering reporting it too! I just couldn't figure out how to reproduce the error.

This was an error where, instead of the button for "Visit Another Castle", it was the button for gardening. The button for placing a housing item also showed up which shouldn't be there. Luckily, the "Rate this Castle" button wasn't screwed with, but it was still annoying when I quickly wanted to visit another castle for rating--instead I had to teleport back to the housing shop, re-interact with the NPC, and then click through several options to rate a castle again.

For me, I was able to "fix" the error by teleporting back to my own house, then going back to the housing shop. It might be faster to do as you said though, and just log out and log back in. Anyways, KI should definitely look into this before the next Spiral Scene event.