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How to join the Wizard101 dev team

Jan 30, 2018
Question what would someone have to do to join the wizard101 team to make the game better and more enjoyable for users. I am a active player in wizard101 i have played for years. Im in many wizard101 groups. I know what people like, dislike and got many great ideas of things to improve the game and overall experience. Mainly in features / events that would help tons of people and really boost the games experience gaming experience in game.

Dec 09, 2008
ExOhGaming on Apr 30, 2021 wrote:
Question what would someone have to do to join the wizard101 team to make the game better and more enjoyable for users. I am a active player in wizard101 i have played for years. Im in many wizard101 groups. I know what people like, dislike and got many great ideas of things to improve the game and overall experience. Mainly in features / events that would help tons of people and really boost the games experience gaming experience in game.
Greetings ExOhGaming! A fantastic question we're happy to answer!

I'm glad to see you're a dedicated player involved in many areas of the community. It's always helpful to have community members help us by being involved directly with the community.

If anyone is ever interested in opportunities at KingsIsle, we list job openings here:


Let us know if you have any other questions, and please keep me informed of your community activities.

Good luck to all who apply!