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A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Is Reddit an approved link on the message boards? (If not please remove LINKs)
Does KI look at stuff on Reddit on a regular basis?

I've found that it has a lot of active users and there is a lot of Feedback that is being offered on there as opposed to the actual message boards/bug reports.

I tried directing them to the Official Forums, but we'll see if they actually come here.

Dec 09, 2008
exp613 on Apr 8, 2021 wrote:
Is Reddit an approved link on the message boards? (If not please remove LINKs)
Does KI look at stuff on Reddit on a regular basis?

I've found that it has a lot of active users and there is a lot of Feedback that is being offered on there as opposed to the actual message boards/bug reports.

I tried directing them to the Official Forums, but we'll see if they actually come here.
Thanks for reporting this feedback! Some of the links can be ok depending on the topic. However, currently we're keeping links to external sites restricted to a few cases as needed.

While I had to remove the current links, we got them and noticed the feedback, so thank you again for sending it over!