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Death School Guides

May 29, 2014
Are there any current death school guides? I've always liked Death but am open to other schools. I just can't find any current guides for it.

Dec 09, 2008
sharpfangjr on Mar 22, 2021 wrote:
Are there any current death school guides? I've always liked Death but am open to other schools. I just can't find any current guides for it.
Check out the community guide page here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/guides

If you don't find it, click through to each fansite page as they may have more on their sites.

Sep 13, 2016
sharpfangjr on Mar 22, 2021 wrote:
Are there any current death school guides? I've always liked Death but am open to other schools. I just can't find any current guides for it.
You can look through Swordroll or the Final Bastion
Final Bastion has lots of things for spells and Swordroll is for gear but there are many other things too

May 29, 2014
Sparck. on Mar 23, 2021 wrote:
Check out the community guide page here: https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/guides

If you don't find it, click through to each fansite page as they may have more on their sites.
I didn't find anything. I'll keep looking. Which of the schools has the easiest time getting through the early levels? I'm playing death, and it's quite tedious. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm in the proper level for my wizard, level-wise.

Dec 20, 2008
The easiest way to play as death through the storyline for bosses is to blade or feint stack into a hit or a lifestealing hit (if you know you won't kill). For mobs, I recommend blading into an aoe spell (if you have any early on in the game). The aoe part will really only matter if you get Scarecrow in Dragonspyre or you have already gotten Deer Knight or Ship of Fools.

Oct 13, 2016
sharpfangjr on Mar 22, 2021 wrote:
Are there any current death school guides? I've always liked Death but am open to other schools. I just can't find any current guides for it.
death is a good school it damages and heals at the same time i have a death wizard of level 57 he have a spell called scarecrow its so awsome

you can find death guide on youtube as well