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cheater Dungeons !!!! Resist VS pierce????

Nov 14, 2019
Hey just made 100 and have had a gear set for cheater boss dungeons but it seems like in most dungeons they have nearly 100% pierce???

for example darkmoore and MTU (malistare the undying) was pierceing most of my resist and shields

is it even worth it to build resist and use shields ?????
or would i be better working on healing, accuracy and crit chance?

Dec 20, 2008
Most people that play through Darkmoor focus more on damage or healing. I recommend focusing on damage during the first 2 dungeons but for Graveyard, 1 more dedicated healer can help out a lot in the first and the last fight. DO NOT heal against Shane Von Shane though.

Nov 14, 2019
yea true

but my question is do cheater bosses in the future have as much pierce?? making resist useless or should i keep focusing defense, i am done in darkmoore

i am a balance wizard that uses life amulet to heal my team and buff, should i focus less on def and more on crit dmg, heal and so on or keep my 60% resist across the board?

because in darkmore they pierced ALL of my resist almost every fight

Sep 19, 2013
In later worlds, enemies have less pierce but also significantly higher damage boosts. For example, Malistaire's second form has 65% pierce and 25% damage boost. By comparison, a Ghulture mob from Mirage has 3% pierce and 50% damage boost.

Aug 18, 2011
Darkmoor bosses pierce about 40% as I recall.

Most of the upper world bosses have pierce, though few have that much. Some can also Shrike, and/or cast spears, piercing globals, or infallible. Resist can still be helpful, but don't expect to rely on it.

Newer higher level gear adds more health, so it may make sense to work on that (and outgoing healing on your team healer) rather than trying to increase resist.

Nov 14, 2019
Awesome!! Robobot1747 and Prince of Shadows those are the answers i was looking for !!! very helpfull!!

yea trying to build a great tank build with high health resist and outgoing healing. and honestly have ahelm with 20% universal so was wondering if it was worth it