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Yuletide Feasting Hall Christmas 2020

May 09, 2020
Please fix this dungeon. I have ported to it several times now only to discover that whomever created the team up didn't actually have a key. If nobody else has a key either, we all have to leave and wait out the timer as though we had left a dungeon without joining a fight. Which - technically, is true, but through no fault of our own.

Either create the team-up option inside the dungeon, so people at least know that keys are required or...here's a thought - don't require a key.

Also - the gold level is broken, as you know, because I see posts about this dating back for many years. I have done gold a bunch of times now, and only ever get a lump of coal and a treasure card as drops.

And everybody else I have fought with at gold level has been unhappy for the lack of reward at the end of the fight. Just throw us a couple of (snack) bones, please? Preferably some high level snacks that are rarely if ever dropped by anybody else?

One last observation, and I can't tell if this is a bug or a feature. If a cookie man dies and Krampus replaces him, he calls up three minions - regardless of the actual number that was killed. This results in two and sometimes three cookie men occupying the same spot. Sometimes a cookie stands in the same spot as Krampus.

It is a really fun fight and I hope you will put a little work into fixing it.