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Nautilus Unleashed(fire spell)

Sep 30, 2018
This spell starts off with 380-460 damage, with a very situational effect at the cost of 5 pips. When you compare this to spells like catch of the day, Athena, and even sacred charge(life spell) as a main hitting school this spell comes off as very under powered. The dot version of the spells is also not a fire version of dot and should have an initial upfront damage first and mass damage overtime as it should be. The move from an actual dot to a base round dot makes the dot weaker than its counter parts when facing shields, making the overall spell even weaker than a full front damage hit.

Brim is a 4 pip spell that does 470 damage which is higher than the first tier of nautilus and leaves a 25% trap. Does this mean most 4 pip lore spells are overturned and are getting nerf?

Most situational damage spells need better numbers to counteract with effects that aren't suitable in fights that renders them useless. Despite nautilus having the ability to stall out vs blade users its still not a reliable source of damage from a hitting class perspective esp vs aegis users. Also with the restriction place on spell upgrade and the cost of upgrades being so high and costly, i don't think spell upgrade in its current form besides troll minion, leprechaun or scorpion is even worth it. So that's just my 2cent on this take let me know what you guys think.

Are spellements worth it via packs? or does it even matter when they become drops?