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Tempest still not working right

Apr 18, 2013
I used Tempest in the Death Deckathalon and the math just didn't add up.

A 6-pip tempest did 425 damage. It didn't use all the pips.
A 5-pip tempest did 425 damage (worked as intended).
A 6-pip tempest w/amplify did 488.

Dec 10, 2018
This has been happening to me as well. Where I've noticed it the most is if my tempest has fizzled once prior. I was doing some damage calculation stuff and attempted to cast a tempest at 7 pips. The spell fizzled, and the next turn I got a power pip. However when I cast the tempest that turn, it only used 7/9 pips (and did 7 pips worth of damage consequently). This was not in Deckathalon btw, this was just in unicorn way on a poor lost soul. Does anyone know if this affects any other X pip spells, or is it just Tempest?