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Reusing Socketed Jewels

Jun 05, 2010
Some of the coolest item spells in the game come from jewels. For example, the Morganthe aoe from the Rockhammer's jewel pack. That spell is one of the coolest visually, but it's hard to justify actually using the jewel as you realize it becomes useless the second you get better gear. In order to make the use of awesome spells like Morganthe more common, you should be able to remove item card jewels without having to shatter them. I can understand why you wouldn't want all jewels to be reusable. I assume a decent chunk of revenue comes from Kroger's card jewels. Rather, I think it would be fair to only allow the reuse of item card jewels. While being able to do it for free would be great, I doubt that would be worth your time. Instead, I think you should give the option to remove and jewel the jewel for the price of 100-200 crowns. You would get money from the new feature, and we would be able to reuse a jewel we already spent money to obtain.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
The Morganthe jewels are "no shatter," which means that you actually CAN reuse them.

Not many jewels are no shatter, though. The only ones I know of for certain are the combo may-cast jewels that KI released from Krogers a couple of years ago, and the Morganthe spider jewels. These are no-shatter precisely because we do spend real money on them.

If you are also suggesting us being able to pay a fee and keep a jewel rather than breaking it, I completely agree. That would be great!

Alia Misthaven

Jun 05, 2010
I actually never knew that. Thank you so much for telling me!