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Chat Filter Suggestions

May 17, 2009
This is a response to Spark's last post on the LGBT words thread but is also obviously an open discussion.

First of all, thank you for responding I really appreciate it.

Based on the chat filtering I've seen, it looks more like the chat filter is put in place to prevent words from being used derogatorily (Which I get, and good on you guys for doing that!) It does not seem like the chat actively discourages political/religious discussion.

The only religious/political word I could find that was red in open chat that was not overtly racist was "Jewish" which has a history of being used in a derogatory manner.

So my question is, what would convince the team to move LGBT words and "Jewish" from being not accessible at all to being reportable in certain contexts like much of the political/religious words?

Or should some more of the political/religious words in yellow be made red to preserve immersion.

I also would like to ask this, would the team feel better about adding a character that would very subtly nod to having a same gender partner? Onward, which is a kid's movie was able to pull it off and I think the gesture would mean a lot to the LGBT players and give the words some in game relevance since that is important.