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Orthrus Rework Proposal ( Devs pls )

Sep 12, 2015
-Hey everyone, Im back back back again! as an evident Myth Main, I will continue to harp on the fact Myth needs an AOE that's not a puking frog until the day I die. :>
-ANYWAYS, one of the most stunning spells in the game and by far a fan favorite, Orthrus is an iconic spell to both the game itself and Myth's arsenal. However, with Medusa, Celelestial Calendar, King Artorius, Basilisk, Snake Charmer, and Baba Yaga ( Get where I'm going with this) providing exceptional single target damage and utility, Orthrus loses all its viability in the battlefield as there are simply better options (requiring less setup)
Adding to that, every single level 48 Spell is an AOE, with the exception of Life who instead get an AOE heal. Orthrus stands out from the crowd (in a bad way). For such a stunning spell to be left by the wayside is SUCH a bummer, as Orthrus was the reason I originally even made a Myth back in good old 2011.
My proposal is to rework Orthrus as a shield buster-AOE. "New" Orthrus would act as follows:
First hit uses the "pierce" Myth Spell to remove one shield to every enemy, no longer does damage.
Second Hit does 550/650 Myth Damage to all enemies.
What this fixes:
-Provide Myth a solid AOE (with an awesome animation)
-Retract the having to rely on Ninja Pigs or Medusa for boss damage (pre 58)as double feinting isn't viable in boss or dungeon runs
-Be a help to Myth's PVE viability as they are still bottom of the barrel for 10 years now. come on guys ;(
-Retain orthrus's "double hit" shield popper dynamic
--This is not a change for the sake of making it: Myth has no viable AOE aside from humongofrog until level 100(!!!!) and it requires a shadow pip to utilize. Thematically, Orthrus now fits every other release level 48 spell in terms of utility and function.
----Why its necessary: Myth again does not get an AOE spell until level 100, 52 levels after Orthrus and 58 levels after Earthquake. Earthquake does poor damage but has strong CC in the form of shatter+ enfeeble. Frog is moderate but UGLY and staring at the same animation from Marleybone-Empyrea just to quest is DRAINING. Frog is not even cool, it is just gross and the sound is awful. It doesn't help that any special versions of Frog are the other viable Myth aoe, as they have bigger numbers but require pets and that awful animation.
-As a final note, Wizard is approaching 11 years of age. A game this old has done a fair bit right, but still has much more room for improvement. I think even if this is knocked to the wayside, a more in-depth look at game balance across the board will be healthy for the game. There are many issues that can be solved by altering spells given throughout the game that lie unused. Orthrus has the benefit of being AWESOME and UNWIELDY at the same time.
Please let me know what y'all think! any more suggestions or spells you would like revisited?

Sep 18, 2009
I agree that myth needs a 7,8,or 9 pip AOE, preferably one with Damage overtime (similar to rain of fire, or snow angel), however, for my myth wizard I used frog, and enchanted it with damage boosting sun magic, and utilized myth blade, spirit blade, and my pet is an enigmatic ghulture, which gives another myth blade, as well as bewilder (which acts like windstorm but myth) I find that these damage boosters are more than enough to work up to mythic colossus.

If KI wants to implement a myth spell that is similar to dragon, rain of fire, or snow angel, than they will surely make it a pack spell, and, or a crafted spell that requires incredibly rare and expensive reagents. similar to what they did for Deer Knight

Apr 05, 2015
Very interesting suggestion that you made. I haven’t played myth, so I do not know the struggle. However, I am a death main and I can tell you that I feel your pain for sure. We deaths only have 3 AOEs, Scarecrow, Deer Knight, and Call of Khrulhu. Deer knight is a crafted spell and it’s pretty much hard to get before reaching a higher level. It also doesn’t do enough damage initially, even with good stats and critical. Now scarecrow only does 400 damage, which I get because it’s a drain spell. What I don’t get, is that death now is the ONLY school without a 4 or lower pip aoe. I actually have an idea, which involves adding one more crafted spell for death. The spell would be a death version of sandstorm, with bats flying around instead of sand or any other type of animation. It would NOT be a drain spell and could be a lore drop as well. There are schools that have 4 lore/crafted spells, why not make death one of them? About the Orthrus rework, I really don’t know how that would work out because to the extent of my knowledge, KI has never done a major change on a spell like they would with this one. I totally support the idea though!

Kane, Visionary Necromancer

Sep 12, 2015
ash5super on May 21, 2020 wrote:
I agree that myth needs a 7,8,or 9 pip AOE, preferably one with Damage overtime (similar to rain of fire, or snow angel), however, for my myth wizard I used frog, and enchanted it with damage boosting sun magic, and utilized myth blade, spirit blade, and my pet is an enigmatic ghulture, which gives another myth blade, as well as bewilder (which acts like windstorm but myth) I find that these damage boosters are more than enough to work up to mythic colossus.

If KI wants to implement a myth spell that is similar to dragon, rain of fire, or snow angel, than they will surely make it a pack spell, and, or a crafted spell that requires incredibly rare and expensive reagents. similar to what they did for Deer Knight
I am going to respectfully disagree here. While Snow Angel and ROF are great damage spells, the entire reason why Fire even became a viable alternative to Storm was Raging Bull. When they started getting more % damage than Myth ( when for years Myth and FIre were tied in terms of % damage, they were both second best), Fire surpassed Myth entirely. Even though Mystic is a better shadow hit, Fire does so much more damage that they compete with Storm now. While DOT spells are cool and required for some bosses, most cases Burst Damage Like Bugs, Sirens, Tempest ETC are the easiest way and the preffered Method. Adding a DOT AOE to Myth's arsenal would really not do much for them, and especially since Storm and Fire also have access to High Damage, regular pip AOE's. Myth should have been bumped up with Fire instead of being dumped on the side of the road.
I do think either Orthrus or Basilisk should be reworked into AOE's. Medusa is an amazing spell, especially for PVP, and I don't see why Myth would give her up for a worse Storm Lord, you know?