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Subject Change

Oct 27, 2015
The subject for one of my posts was altered/changed to something that's completely unrelated to my post. why did this happen? and how do I fix it? as far as I can tell it didn't violate any of the rules. and now I'm getting responses completely unrelated my original topic.

Kyle shadow8lade on Apr 21, 2020 wrote:
The subject for one of my posts was altered/changed to something that's completely unrelated to my post. why did this happen? and how do I fix it? as far as I can tell it didn't violate any of the rules. and now I'm getting responses completely unrelated my original topic.
Hi Kyle!

We'll change the subject when it's not clear what it is supposed to be before opening up the topic. This should have been mentioned as an edit in the body of the post.

Could you link the thread please, we'll check it out.


Oct 27, 2015