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Easy revinue KI is missing out on and Players WANT!

Oct 11, 2010
Hi all ,

I believe strongly KI is missing out on at least 40,000+ USD per month or more in income just by adding one simple change to the shop and the website.

Make ALL bundles buyable on KI site all the time (stop selling your stuff to Walmart!!!!!!!! just use game stop if you must!!!!)
Make ALL packs buyable on KI shop in game all the time , when the season comes around release a new pack at that time for even more income.

This would make KI a lot more effortless money and help your player/fan base wants/needs.

Example! Accursed play bundle is N/A at most walmarts due to a shipping issue that I confirmed by higher level, KI still got paid but does not want to address this issue and call this an exclusive bundle when in fact there are other store only bundles being sold when bundle palooza comes around. Example the ATL Walmart bundle comes to mind 29 card is sold during the palooza bundle events.

What do the Fans think? I don't think anyone would be against this, how about KI? I know this most likely will not happen but if you see a way to make more money while pleasing your customers why not at least try?



Aug 10, 2009
Jul 02, 2009
This is an obvious win/win and I have posted about the accursed play before. I vote yes.

Jul 03, 2011
this proves that this game is really not money hungry game, it would be good idea but for me i dont really strongly agree with it, cuz the bundles will no longer be the unique thing you have for your wizard lol, also most of bundles are cool things to have but not necessary, some of them are very good like spooky canrival for the robe for those who seeks immunity they exist online, would they just put kroger online or spread it to all USA would be great but no one really knows why they put it only in texas which allow lot of people who lives in texas make profits by selling to those who lives elsewhere, this point is unfair to be honest

Jan 11, 2012
Not only would it allow people to get whatever bundle they want, but it would also eliminate the production cost of the physical card and graphics printing. They would not only make MORE money, but they would SAVE money per purchase. Even if the card only costs $1.00 USD because they buy them in bulk, they would save that $1.00 over every single purchase. If it costs (and Im just making this up) $2 to produce with full printing, and the scratch off backing etc, and they sell if for $39.99, they would gain the $2 in profit because all they need to do is generate a random card number when bought online, or just skip the random number all together and go right to the redemption screen.

Dec 22, 2008
masterryan1969 on Feb 23, 2020 wrote:
Hi all ,

I believe strongly KI is missing out on at least 40,000+ USD per month or more in income just by adding one simple change to the shop and the website.

Make ALL bundles buyable on KI site all the time (stop selling your stuff to Walmart!!!!!!!! just use game stop if you must!!!!)
Make ALL packs buyable on KI shop in game all the time , when the season comes around release a new pack at that time for even more income.

This would make KI a lot more effortless money and help your player/fan base wants/needs.

Example! Accursed play bundle is N/A at most walmarts due to a shipping issue that I confirmed by higher level, KI still got paid but does not want to address this issue and call this an exclusive bundle when in fact there are other store only bundles being sold when bundle palooza comes around. Example the ATL Walmart bundle comes to mind 29 card is sold during the palooza bundle events.

What do the Fans think? I don't think anyone would be against this, how about KI? I know this most likely will not happen but if you see a way to make more money while pleasing your customers why not at least try?


The only problem with this is reduced demand because of widespread availability. When people don't have the "fear of missing out," they are less likely to buy these bundles because they think "Oh, I'll just get it eventually." On the flip side, veteran players may find it frustrating that they are unable to purchase additional copies of a bundle they may have purchased or received before.

Jan 12, 2010
I personally believe that people would buy MORE bundles because of the accessibility of seeing something that you want and being able to get it RIGHT NOW, but I think that KI does it this way to encourage the idea that you might miss out on a bundle. Basically it’s just two conflicting economic principles. BUT a middle solution may be having random events throughout the year where ALL discontinued bundles are available on the site for say a week or so.

Oct 24, 2019
The fact they already haven't made the Accursed Play Gauntlet available online on Wizard101 angers me.

I approve of this.

People I know had joined in the past only to find out that they couldn't buy older bundles that were retired and could only buy them once a year in a sale that already also limits your checkout spending if its over $100+ worth.

I MYSELF wanted to buy all of the bundles when they had them on December 24th, 2019 but feared of the dollar limits Kingsisle enforces.

Im willing to pay anything if it meant I could have EVERYTHING available at any time.

People who don't agree have something wrong with them/