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Eldritch Tower

Nov 25, 2012
Hi, I have noticed there's a reward chest called Eldritch Tower in Wizard101 but I can't find it and it exists over a year now. You can find it by clicking the search housing item button on a darkmoor item. Can anyone tell what it is?

Mar 12, 2010
Star Gator on Feb 19, 2020 wrote:
Hi, I have noticed there's a reward chest called Eldritch Tower in Wizard101 but I can't find it and it exists over a year now. You can find it by clicking the search housing item button on a darkmoor item. Can anyone tell what it is?
When you say "click on the search housing item button", if you are referring to the "Item Identifier" in the game, I don't think that is a reliable 'source' for info. I could not find any references to The Eldritch Tower in the game. Was it just a "speculation" that you saw or heard about for that Location.

For the Items that are dropped by a Locked Chest in Darkmoor, there is currently this List for the Locked Chest in Castle Darkmoor:

Is that the Locked Chest that you are looking for?

But again, as far as "The Eldritch Tower" ... was it actually added to game?