Hello KI, I love your game, however after using this spell (Raging Bull) for several days in multiple worlds in PVE and also in PVP, I quickly realized that the -25% smokescreen (accuracy debuff) is useless. The percentage is so low that mobs or bosses almost never fizzle, on top of that when playing against other wizards, all the gear they have with accuracy buffs bypasses the smokescreen aswell, every single time. In really love this spell and believe that the damage is appropriate, but the smokescreen needs a buff so that the effect can have impact plays and have an actual purpose in the spell. Raising the debuff from -25% to 45-65%, will give the smokescreen effect a proper use within the spell, and make it comparable to other spells such as sirens from the storm school. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and i hope you listen to the community for this change as there are many other wizards that agree with me on the buff this spell needs.
Hello KI, I love your game, however after using this spell (Raging Bull) for several days in multiple worlds in PVE and also in PVP, I quickly realized that the -25% smokescreen (accuracy debuff) is useless. The percentage is so low that mobs or bosses almost never fizzle, on top of that when playing against other wizards, all the gear they have with accuracy buffs bypasses the smokescreen aswell, every single time. In really love this spell and believe that the damage is appropriate, but the smokescreen needs a buff so that the effect can have impact plays and have an actual purpose in the spell. Raising the debuff from -25% to 45-65%, will give the smokescreen effect a proper use within the spell, and make it comparable to other spells such as sirens from the storm school. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and i hope you listen to the community for this change as there are many other wizards that agree with me on the buff this spell needs.
Also worth noting that Bull is a bit lackluster and could use a damage upgrade, maybe by 50? Would make it 825-950 damage instead of the current 775-900.