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Ravenwood Trees Recipes- Are they useful in 2020? Part 2

Nov 25, 2012

In a following to my recent post about the ravenwood trees recipes-I wanted to make another one.

As a reminder, the ravenwood trees sell treasure card recipes that players can use to craft low rank treasure card spells, like storm shark, troll, dark fairy and more.

So in adittion this time I made a review on social media , and I asked them if they still buy the treasure card recipes from the magic trees in ravenwood, and if they still find it useful in 2020.

The results were 200 people did not find the recipes useful and bever bought a one through the whole time they were playing the game. In the other hand, 40 people did find them helpful and they did buy one or two recipes, but most of these people bought them and never used, or bought at the very beging of the game when they used to be useful .

My opinion about this subject is treasure card recipes are useful, but these typical recipes are not useful as they used to be back in the days at the beging of the game. These days players can just go to the bazaar and buy the same treasure cards with 50-100 gold. I can also disagree with my opinion and say people might use those recipes to earn points in event challenges for points, but it's allot harder to crsft, when you can craft 5 athame swords from the lady in old town and craft them much faster and easier.

My seggestion is you should add something the trees can sell that everyone would be interested to buy again and make them popular again like they used to be in the begining. I'd like to see some gear, or something else.

Arcanum Lore/ Kyle BattleStaff