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Your favorite Ice Deckathalon Strategies & Tips

The Ice Deckathalon is frosty fun and going on right now! Here is our lead designer's latest strategies and tips for you, just one option to consider:


What are some of your own strategies and tips that other players can find useful to conquer the event?

Jun 18, 2013
i would say first, go ahead and claim the credits everyday, on all of your wizards, just in case you want to use them on more than one. no penalty for not using them, and they are saved from day to day. they add up :)

second, work on getting through at least the first four or five stages and buy the deck recipes. crafting those makes a huge difference, but i wouldn't actually use any below level four. if you craft higher level decks, you can pass them through the shared bank to your other characters and they can breeze through the first levels. points and runes galore :)

third, go ahead and do the event on at least two wiz if you have more than one character. it makes a big difference in the number of runes you get, and they allow you to craft the decks faster. also, don't forget to collect the rewards on the event bar and the winter scroll, there are level one decks, and runes, and tc, among lots of other things, all lots of help. you don't have to finish all the levels the first time the event is here, and next time whatever level deck you have made will help you get further and allow you to build on your progress :)

fourth, don't be afraid to try different tc combinations - there are great tc in the bazaar, but you can get through with what is available at the library. find the combo that works for you :) and have fun!