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Double Gardening Overview

For Wizards level 12 or higher, Gardening is an incredibly fun system in Wizard101. You can get seeds to plant in a garden and watch them grow into full plants that produce many useful items for your adventuring needs, including pet snacks!

Double Gardening is a Crowns Reward Event we run that produces additional bonuses for when you harvest plants in your garden. While Double Gardening is running, you are essentially harvesting from a plant twice. This doesn’t guarantee you get duplicates of the first set of items, but simply functions as another harvesting opportunity. You may harvest a completely different set of items on the second round, but there’s also the chance of getting some of the same items.

For example, harvesting Evil Magma Peas may give you a Cherry Tomato mega pet snack the first time, but the next time it might be a Fancy Yogurt or something else entirely… but it could be another Cherry Tomato.

Also, while it’s called Double Gardening, you can only get 1 seed in return. Crowns-only plants guarantee this seed return, but normal plants that are not Crowns-purchased may or may not drop a seed. It all depends on your gardening green thumb and some luck!