Test Realm Results of Daybreaker and Nightbringer Spellements
In the course of testing the Daybreaker and Nightbringer spells (both internally and with the community on Test Realm), we've come across some significant issues in how they react when enchanted with certain spells.
Even though we're still working through solutions and testing them thoroughly, we don't want to hold back an update which is otherwise ready for Live for just these two spells. For this reason, we're going to allow the community to obtain Daybreaker and Nightbringer as planned as drops on Wizard City Underground bosses (just like you experienced on Test Realm). We've set the spells' levels to level 131 though to keep them out of combat for now.
Another update is planned for shortly after release that fixes these issues and removes the level restriction. Once the fix goes live, anyone who's received the proper Spellements to upgrade Daybreaker or Nightbringer can do so then.
Thanks community for helping us test these spells, and thanks for your patience as we make our final preparations for these spells on the Live Realms!