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Suggestions for screen options in W101

Dec 20, 2013
Many of us spend hours at a time playing—being able to customize our screen would make the experience so much more comfortable/enjoyable, so here are some ideas I had.

  • Screen real estate: Allow all the following items to be resizable:
    • Conversation box: allow it to be more flexible/re-sizable/move around more
    • Friends box: allow customization (as above): It’s nice to be able to see who is on, but when open the box takes up too much space (esp on a laptop)
    • Icons: Store, bubble, book, etc. We know where/what they are, they don’t have to be so big. Perhaps option to move them to the “tray” where the jewel and Gear Set icons are.
    • Open Backpack/Spellbook: resizable/movable, etc., instead of anchored to ctr of screen.
  • Privacy Options
    • Hidden to Friends— this is a great option for when I want to spend some alone-time (shopping/gardening/crafting, etc) without getting calls for help, etc, but it would be MUCH more useful if you could see who is on w/o anyone seeing you. As it is now, if you “peek” or don’t have it turned-on when you logon, its purpose is defeated.This would be a GREAT plus for me!
  • Pips and Level
    • Put some indicator of how many pips one has that is visible at all times, perhaps another “globe”, or better, something at very bottom of screen. Also, it would be helpful to be able to see my Level w/o having to open my book.
  • Bank
    • It would be great if we could access our Bank w/o having to go Home. Perhaps a page in our Book, like the Backpack?