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Upper Halls/ Darkmoor

May 05, 2011
Why are there so many people skipping the entirety of Upper Halls (IN TEAM UP) Its driving me insane. Getting a group for it is awful b/c its one of the least done dungeons. But come on. I either get people that think they know the strategies OR I get skippers.

Feb 25, 2009
EricSCloud on Sep 15, 2019 wrote:
Why are there so many people skipping the entirety of Upper Halls (IN TEAM UP) Its driving me insane. Getting a group for it is awful b/c its one of the least done dungeons. But come on. I either get people that think they know the strategies OR I get skippers.
Most are only interested enough to do the 2nd level in order to gain their lvl 118 spell. Outside of that, casual players aren't going to go through the 3rd level. At least not until they have put several more levels on their wizards.