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Team up option

Dec 22, 2008
I have mentioned before in my solo player option how difficult it can be to get a team to fully complete a dungeon. Especially things like Waterworks and now Darkmoor. Many people have the habit of leaving or only joining to do first boss, they seem to think he's enough. That is fine but when joining a team especially from the kiosk but just team in general it might help a bit to have the option of clicking full or partial, that way those who just want the first boss can join a partial instead of constantly leaving those who want a full run shy a player. If there was a viable way to keep someone from joining a full and then leaving I would suggest it but can't think of anything save an automatic call back which still wouldn't guarantee them staying just be really annoying to those who left by consrantly recalling them every minute. But a full/partial option on joining may help.

Aug 03, 2014
WyldFyre369 on Jul 10, 2019 wrote:
I have mentioned before in my solo player option how difficult it can be to get a team to fully complete a dungeon. Especially things like Waterworks and now Darkmoor. Many people have the habit of leaving or only joining to do first boss, they seem to think he's enough. That is fine but when joining a team especially from the kiosk but just team in general it might help a bit to have the option of clicking full or partial, that way those who just want the first boss can join a partial instead of constantly leaving those who want a full run shy a player. If there was a viable way to keep someone from joining a full and then leaving I would suggest it but can't think of anything save an automatic call back which still wouldn't guarantee them staying just be really annoying to those who left by consrantly recalling them every minute. But a full/partial option on joining may help.
Yes and also dungeons that have multiple instances within them (eg cronus/tartarus; gladiator/mount olympus; aphrodite/graveyard etc) would really benefit from different sigils.

It's hard for people to find teams wanting to farm the same parts and this would help a lot

Dec 22, 2008
As I said it still wouldn't be a guarantee that someone wouldn't leave but it would give players wanting a full run a slightly better chance of getting it. Upon entering Darkmoor with a full team the first words out of anyone's mouth is "Full?" and half the time that loses you at least one player before you even enter battle, and no one ever wants to do the key boss, because while she may drop the highest Darkmoor athame, it is not the *best* athame and many will replace it. If there is a key boss inside the dungeon to be able to add a key sigil would be nice, letting people know the intentions of the one starting the team is always a plus. I am one of those people who may never do a repeat of certain bosses, but would like to defeat them all at least once.

Aug 03, 2016
Not a bad idea.

However maybe it could warn people before they begin the dungeon that 3 of 4 players played to leave at the first sigil.