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How is damage calculated?

May 04, 2011
Ok so lets say I cast a vampire that does 350 damage. If I have a 40% blade and a 30% trap, does the trap take 30% of the vampire with the blade? The blade animation comes before the trap, so does the trap take 30% of 490 damage(the spell plus the blade) or just 30% of the original 350. I am also wondering when the per class damage boost is added. If I have gear that gives me an extra 16% death damage, is that calculated from the original 350 of the vampire, or after all the blades and traps?

On a different topic, is it possible to stack traps using a prism? If I put down a death trap, a life trap, and a prism converting death to life, will the spell use both traps, or just the life trap?

Any help would be appreciated!

Feb 12, 2015
Yeet43 on May 5, 2019 wrote:
Ok so lets say I cast a vampire that does 350 damage. If I have a 40% blade and a 30% trap, does the trap take 30% of the vampire with the blade? The blade animation comes before the trap, so does the trap take 30% of 490 damage(the spell plus the blade) or just 30% of the original 350. I am also wondering when the per class damage boost is added. If I have gear that gives me an extra 16% death damage, is that calculated from the original 350 of the vampire, or after all the blades and traps?

On a different topic, is it possible to stack traps using a prism? If I put down a death trap, a life trap, and a prism converting death to life, will the spell use both traps, or just the life trap?

Any help would be appreciated!
Welcome, Yeet43!

Couldn't follow you on the first part, but if for example, you placed down a Life Trap, then a Death Prism, then a Death Trap, then it will use both traps rather nicely. It is possible!

The base spell will be first adjusted by your gear modifier +16% , then the blade +40%, then the trap. Unless you are stacking multiples, then the order matters. Under the hood, we do round numbers which can cause a small difference in the total calculation.

May 04, 2011
Mar 18, 2009
Take a look at these old posts for previous discussions on how damage is calculated:



In addition the the above data, a KI developer on Twitter posted the following (in regards to recent changes when posted):

"Your gear (% then flat)-> your aura -> your charms-> the global-> target's aura->target's wards-> target's gear(flat then %)-> critical"

Aug 23, 2016
The nice thing about modifiers is that the multiplications are not really adding percentages.

What the under the hood mechanics actually do is this, using your example.

Base Damage + 1.16(x) {Gear} + 1.4(x+G) {Blade} + 1.3(x+G+B) When stacking blades and traps it always runs last to first played in order.

I saw this formula posted last year in a similar post.

Steven Ghoststalker