The update page when Mirage was released stated something like the vendors would have items available to wizards after completing quests for them, earning badges, etc. Has anyone witnessed this? I am wondering what needs to be done in order to get these 'respect' deals. I probably am not understanding what this is all about, though recently Guillermel gave me a quest to defeat 5 more Ghultures, I already have the Ghulture Bane badge, and after I got the five more he said something like "whenever you defeat Ghultures, Trengils and Conscripts, special stuff will come your way from us vendors". Anyone have insight on this? Thanks
There are six faction Vendors with housing items and equipment for sale in Mirage, as shown below:
Guillermel (Camel near the Spiral Door in Caravan)
Robin (‘The Hoods’, near the Sultana’s place in Aggrobah)
Captain Kettay (Near the House Purrzian Assailants in Caterwaul Canyon)
Destro-uctor (in Istanboa)Advisor
Francy Fries (in the palace in Rubal Wastes)
Prefect Josapat (in Yakhal Mountain)
Each Vendor wants you to prove your loyalty, and this means defeating something. As you unlock badges below, you gain access to better items, mounts, and houses. Part I of 26 known badges are shown below: