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Stuck on a main quest & cannot progress

Mar 23, 2012
I am currently on the main quest in hrundle fjord called "root of the loom".
This is the quest where you free grandmother raven from her cage. I am completely stuck on this quest and cannot continue questing through the story. I have tried to switch realms, return to character selection, and have completly logged out, but nothing has solved this issue.

How to replicate:
Once Urd gives the dialogue "You can now dispel the magic that binds grandmother raven within her cage. It should open to your touch", I pressed "X" on grandmothers magic cage at the foot of the great tree. However, right when the cinematic cutscene starts, I pressed the "ESC" button and quit to character selection, then instantly logged back into the game. I did this with the intent to skip the cutscene and save myself a little bit of time.
However, once I logged back in the game, I noticed grandmother raven is not in her free form at the top of the tree. She simultaneously is not bound within the cage either though. Right now, my quest arrow brings me to the top of the wooden platform and instructs me to: "Talk to grandmother raven in hrundle fjord". I cannot do this though, because grandmother raven is no where in my game at the moment. Unfortunately, it is NOT a simple visual bug, as I have no options to talk to a potentially invisible grandmother raven at the cage or at the top of the wooden platform.

As a very long time wiz101 player who has quested through this world multiple times, my intention was to save myself a little bit of time, not break the game. Though, I think its a good time to point out that anyone who has a wifi disconnect at this exact moment would have the same problem. Also worth exploring the speculative question: Would this happen any point of the game with a similarly coded cinematic cutscene which causes your camera view to pan and move around? (off the top of my head, I can point out a few moments in khrysalis with similar cutscenes, such as the bombing of the bee hive wall & the illumination of the eclipse moonlight magic bridge)
Hopefully this can be looked into and solved, as grizzleheim pt2 is at a complete stop for me now.

Apr 05, 2022
Jellybeans yummy on May 13, 2023 wrote:
I am currently on the main quest in hrundle fjord called "root of the loom".
This is the quest where you free grandmother raven from her cage. I am completely stuck on this quest and cannot continue questing through the story. I have tried to switch realms, return to character selection, and have completly logged out, but nothing has solved this issue.

How to replicate:
Once Urd gives the dialogue "You can now dispel the magic that binds grandmother raven within her cage. It should open to your touch", I pressed "X" on grandmothers magic cage at the foot of the great tree. However, right when the cinematic cutscene starts, I pressed the "ESC" button and quit to character selection, then instantly logged back into the game. I did this with the intent to skip the cutscene and save myself a little bit of time.
However, once I logged back in the game, I noticed grandmother raven is not in her free form at the top of the tree. She simultaneously is not bound within the cage either though. Right now, my quest arrow brings me to the top of the wooden platform and instructs me to: "Talk to grandmother raven in hrundle fjord". I cannot do this though, because grandmother raven is no where in my game at the moment. Unfortunately, it is NOT a simple visual bug, as I have no options to talk to a potentially invisible grandmother raven at the cage or at the top of the wooden platform.

As a very long time wiz101 player who has quested through this world multiple times, my intention was to save myself a little bit of time, not break the game. Though, I think its a good time to point out that anyone who has a wifi disconnect at this exact moment would have the same problem. Also worth exploring the speculative question: Would this happen any point of the game with a similarly coded cinematic cutscene which causes your camera view to pan and move around? (off the top of my head, I can point out a few moments in khrysalis with similar cutscenes, such as the bombing of the bee hive wall & the illumination of the eclipse moonlight magic bridge)
Hopefully this can be looked into and solved, as grizzleheim pt2 is at a complete stop for me now.
Hey, thanks for reaching out!

I would suggest emailing our customer support if a main quest is bugged, they should be able to help you progress!