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Regal Castle Blocks not working

Mar 08, 2020
I decided to create a house using regal blocks. I have about 14 wall blocks. 1 door block, and 6 window blocks. I can equip the wallpaper while I'm in the house and it looks great, but when I leave the house, all but 3 or 4 walls loose the wallpaper. I've been working on this for several days. I put all the walls up at once, then equipped each one using the same wallpaper. Could it be there is a limit to the number of walls you can use at once? My other wizard (level 55) has the recipes and crafts them then I get them out of the shared bank. What am I doing wrong? It's very frustrating.
Sophia Spellbloom. Level 25

Feb 14, 2012
I have this problem too and noticed in castle tours that a few people have working castle blocks so I started asking around. Someone told me to avoid extreme angles in advanced movement and select wallpaper after it’s placed, and to try switching wallpapers so they aren’t the same as the room. I also don’t copy wallpapers anymore, I change them manually. I didn’t really test this stuff I just did all of it because I was frustrated but something fixed a couple walls in my dorm at least. I love the regal blocks and I’m really looking forward to the fix, but I hope that helps in the meantime.

Mar 08, 2020
Thank-you! This was a great help. I had several walls I had to rearrange, and I equipped the wallpaper on each wall. That helped a lot. I also found wallpapers of the same color but different designs to put in my house, and used different wallpapers on the windows. I do like the Regal blocks but wish they were easier to use. You are a big help!