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More space for village homes.

Jun 22, 2009
I am currently working on the Catmandu Sanctuary Home.

This home is unique because many buildings have a lot of physical space and rooms. But every building is on the same furniture cap. So, a creative decorator can quickly max out. We recently received another boost to the bric-a-brac elixir, but this home requires another push. There is WAY too much space, but not enough room - you know?

Jan 29, 2022
I am having the same problem with Botanical Gardens. It is a huge space in itself, but the outdoor area behind it is on the same housing item cap. I bought the elixir and got the allowance up to 400. I wasn't really paying attention and suddenly realized that I had exceeded the limit by 14 (414 items.) I don't know if this is a glitch or if it is ok to exceed the limit a bit. I never got a warning message and the system didn't stop me from adding more items.

So my question is: If the system lets you keep adding things is it ok to do so. I don't want KI to think I am trying to take advantage of a glitch.

My 2nd point is: I am going to be working on Catmandu next. So yes, could we please have a higher allowance for the really large castles?