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More Ideas for Dual Schooling

Jul 31, 2019
I was thinking about these ideas for a while ever since the drop of Novus and the new spells and I wanted to share them. As I am questing my Myth through Khrysalis and planning on my next wizard to be a Ice dual Death I was looking through all of the gear and pets to see which pet suits my needs. So here are my ideas:

1. Revamp the level 48 Hybrid Pets.
This bunch of pets has a Hybrid or more with each school so I picked these guys. A lot of these Hybrids only redeeming offer is that they look cool but they don't give anything useful so my idea is to revamp them. Lets take the coolest looking of the bunch he Frostlord. Right now it gives only Wraith, not very exciting but how we give it maybe Death or Ice blade? Feint? or even Jinn's Larceny that can be uses in both PvE and PvP? I can use more examples but I think the example I gave gives you all the idea.

2. More trainable spells.
I already asked this before but I want to expand on this further. Right now every 7 pip AoE is trainable but Scarecrow, I can see the argument on why having Scarecrow would be broken how about a replacement? like a 7 pip Bonetree Lord? Also with the Karamelle and Lemuria Spell spellements dropping in Novus and can only be used by wizards that have them already learned said spells. Can we lift that requirement so people who Dual school can have access to powerful shadow enhanced spells? Anyone can learn the Novus spells so I don't really see the reason why these Spellements are.

3. Learnable Astral Blades
Fun fact about the Astral Tri Blades, Each one of them have two Roshambo pairings

Moon Blade: Myth and Ice. Ice and Death
Sun Blade: Life and Fire. Fire and Myth
Star Blade: Death and Storm. Storm and Life.

And before you say that Moon Blade is already accusable with the new Rabbit pet. Well I think having them trainable would be better so we can sharpen them. Just give them to the Astral Scholar.

4. Give new decks give more Max Copies of main and off schools.
Since Polaris decks have been getting smaller to the point we can only use six cards of our school and four cards of our off school. Just give us more copies in our decks.

These are my suggestions and ideas that I have if you have anymore ideas I would love to hear it!