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Castle Magic

Jan 03, 2014
We love castle magic despite being severely limiting. First, some of the spells ought to be trainable rather than treasure cards. Second, there is no spell to interact directly with the player that uses and specific button or lever.

I created a kind of transporter in my castle to teleport between two objects. Unfortunately, the only single teleport is for the "nearest" player which doesn't always work properly when more than one player is present in the castle. This is because the "nearest" player is counted on the target of the spell rather than the object that called the spell which is as it should be. If, however, there was a spell that teleported the player activating the trigger, that would completely eliminate the problem.

Some persistent area effect spells would also be appreciated. I'd like to make a nighttime foggy effect in a castle. I have a lot of awesome ideas for castle magic but I am crippled by the limitations of the system. Please, please, please develop more in this area of the game.