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Welcome to Novus! Your First Impressions

What is Novus? Where did it come from? Why is it here? The answers to these questions will shake the very foundations of the Spiral.

Strange rocks have appeared over several worlds, each of them connected to each other through magic into Novus - a weird and wonderful world where dreams are reality. You must reach this place, master new magicks and navigate the complex politics of the Spiral Empires to preserve Novus from those who would corrupt it.

Welcome, Wizards, to Novus and the Fall Update!

Update Notes: https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/updatenotes/fallupdate2022

Along with Novus, we are also introducing new spell masteries to help players win that next battle, diverse new Beastmoon event characters, exotic new upgrades to Castle Magic to maximize decorative abilities for player Castles, several new enhancements to guilds and other social systems, and much more.
Please post your first impressions here!

For all issues, concerns, and ideas around Novus, please post them in the Novus forums:


Jan 01, 2012
The boss Zheng is kind of bugged. His SNARL cheat is brutal to deal with when you're soloing. The deck was full of Crippling fear. I couldn't discard nor could i draw a TC....You guys really need to fix the number of crippling fears he can give a player.