Howdy! I just wanted to ask if the Spell drop bosses such as lambert fire, Aphrodite and Takanobu the masterless still drops burning rampage, sacred charge and catch of the day , since the new addition of adding spellements to them and changing them to strictly gold keys. Are the drop rates the same of have they increased due to the rarity of Gold skeleton keys?
Howdy! I just wanted to ask if the Spell drop bosses such as lambert fire, Aphrodite and Takanobu the masterless still drops burning rampage, sacred charge and catch of the day , since the new addition of adding spellements to them and changing them to strictly gold keys. Are the drop rates the same of have they increased due to the rarity of Gold skeleton keys?
Just an update on this, these spell do still drop with better rates. Took around 15-20 runs per spells (excluding) sacred charge since I already had it.