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Improving Team-Up

Aug 23, 2009
The Team-Up system is a great system that allows for wizards to come together to either defeat a boss or complete a dungeon together. However, I think the Team-Up system could be improved to be a better system.

In terms of teaming up for a particular sigil, the only information that is provided is a wizard's school and their name. I would like to see, in addition to these things, a wizard's level noted. This way, as the team-up process is happening, the wizard that started the team-up can see whether someone who joins the team up is around the same level (a potential quest partner) or is a higher level wizard volunteering to assist. Those who join a team up would also see this information as soon as they join a particular queued team-up. This same information should be available to view from the Team-Up kiosk in Olde Town.

Feb 06, 2013
I very much agree as a person who uses team up often. I would also like to add on that there should be a way for wizards to know if a team up for a dungeon is full or not. For example if I'm doing graveyard but I'm just there for Aphrodite there can possibly be a sector that lets people know this team up is for they key boss inside.