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lore spell spellement idea

Jan 11, 2012
So, with the news that the lore spells will have a spellement path, I am going to suggest to be able to deconstruct the lore spells we have and convert them into spellements. This way, we can effectively transfer the spells to the proper school wizard. The spellements should be exactly how many is needed to go from spellement to spell. This would allow us to get rid of spells we dont want in a way that is beneficial to other wizards on the same account. My death, for example, has no use for Krampus, Winter Moon, Handsome Formori, Luminous Weaver, Loremaster, Samoorai, or Savage Paw. However, being able to transfer Krampus spellements to my fire, WM and HF to my ice, and LW to my Life all for upgrading the spells they already have would be a HUGE benefit. I have 6 wizards, and being able to learn those lore spells, or upgrade the ones I have, on the correct wizard, would be much more useful than having off-school spells I never use.

PLEASE consider this for a future update.