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Can we improve the player base?

Apr 15, 2012
Hi fellow wizards,

So, I recently rejoined the game after years of "retirement" from the game. On my return to the game and the community, I noticed that their is some (a lot) of flat out creepy players in this game. Don't know if I was too naïve as a child to notice, but since I'm older now, it has come apparent that people are mad creepy

I have only played the game for 2 weeks now and in that time frame I have meet several creepy male chars, asking me to be their mama (and not in an innocent way, if that's even possible), asking me to do favors for them in return of them helping me with dungeons, highly sexualized messages and so on and so on. I know I can just ignore, delete them as friends or block them, but it has made me not trust getting to know new players, which also affects that part of the player base who is not creepy, which is so sad!

I know I should have reported the moment it happened, that's my own fault. But I got naïve (again) and thought that maybe this is a one time thing. Until it was not. I am seriously considering to start a whole new MALE chars just to avoid the creepiness, but that also seems so unfair as a female to be forced into creating a new chars that you would prefer not to create in the first place (but all the power to those that does!!!).

I don't have a fix for the problem atm. However, I thought is was important to create some kind of post and maybe ask the question into cyberspace: can we improve the creepy behavior in wiz101? Or how can we? Or what can the developers do to maybe highlight the issue?

And sorry if this is the wrong place to post this topic