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Level 7 storm prism lost

Jan 29, 2013
Hello, I have a wizard that is storm level 7

I just created my storm wizard Justin Stormbringer.
I just created him three years ago. I did a lot of the beginning and got to level 7.
I got every other spell and did every other quest for storm yet when I did the storm prism
quest, I completed almost all of it but when I tried talking to Halston, I lost the quest and
didn't get the spell. Now I probably won't be able to progress through the game properly.
I played the game for years and I'm not throwing my storm away like that.

Can someone fix the glitch?

Sep 17, 2010
Try talking with Harold in the WC library as he is the one to originally give the quest.
However, if that does not work and somehow the quest glitched for you, you have 2 options. Option 1 would be to email KI support and let them know and see if they'll do anything. Option 2 (probably the easier out of the 2), would be just to delete your storm and make a new one. If it's only level 7 then it really doesn't matter. You can get to level 7 in about 30 minutes. Can remake the character with the same name. No real harm done. Hope this helps.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
ShadowGaming56 on Jan 23, 2022 wrote:
Hello, I have a wizard that is storm level 7

I just created my storm wizard Justin Stormbringer.
I just created him three years ago. I did a lot of the beginning and got to level 7.
I got every other spell and did every other quest for storm yet when I did the storm prism
quest, I completed almost all of it but when I tried talking to Halston, I lost the quest and
didn't get the spell. Now I probably won't be able to progress through the game properly.
I played the game for years and I'm not throwing my storm away like that.

Can someone fix the glitch?
Check your spell book to make sure you didn't complete the quest or accidently get side tracked off of it. The 2 Quests are Leyden Lab and Charge it Up.

If it really is glitched then you need to email support and submit a Customer Service Ticket. They should be able to help you fix the glitch.

Hope that helps!

Jan 29, 2013
Thank you for the help! I didn't actually lose the quest.
I talked to Harold and got back the quest. I still got the storm prism.
I somehow had it the whole time! If I would have known about this
I would have done this long ago. I thought I was going to have to delete
my storm wizard. Anyways, thank you for the help!