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Equipment Sets - Occasional Bug

Jun 16, 2010
Hi There--

Every once in a while when I am working on my characters I like to use the equipment sets button so you can quick assign a pre-saved gear set.
I currently have sets like Energy Gear, Resist Gear, Damage Gear, and so on for most my characters.

Recently there has been more instances where I will set my characters gear to a set (Ctrl+1) and when I log in the next time the gear set has moved to a different slot, so if I were to hit a different number it wouldn't change. But then if I hit (ctrl +1) again then it swapped to something different.

I then end up re arranging the gear sets within the book page to make sure they align properly, but usually this causes for me to mess up whatever set I have on. Either making me lose a lot of energy or have to re-heal if I was to swap into the wrong gear.

I would just like to not be loosing unnecessary pet energy if I don't need too. But its also kinda upsetting if you are about to run into a fight, you hit (ctrl +4) for your damage set, and because things moved around on their own you ended up in your resist set of gear and not the right damage set. Some minor problems can cause greater inconveniences..

Thanks for reading xoxo