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Adventure Talents, Results and Cooldowns

Mar 28, 2009
I have spent quite some time manifesting and testing several different types of Adventure Talents on several pets, only to be quite disappointed in my results. I don't believe any of the Talents work properly, other than the school Scout Talents that occasionally find bonus reagents. The wizard is actually rewarded with Gold as a "consolation prize" when the Scout is unsuccessful. Gold Rusher actually cannot be verified, since only one amount of Gold is rewarded, but I will give Kingsisle the benefit of the doubt and say that the pet returns a larger amount of Gold than if the Wizard had just opened the chest.

The Hunter, Finder and Seed Finder Talents -- not to mention the Halloween-specific and currently desirable Talent, Track-R-Treater do NOT work. I have spent hours waiting for cooldowns of these Talents in order to repeatedly test them for Absolutely ZERO rewards. No one else on Wizard101 Central has reported receiving any rewards, either.

The cooldowns on these Talents would make sense if fabulous rewards were actually coming my way, but six to eight minutes in order to use them again just to be skunked over and over is a cruel punishment in a family-friendly game. I hate to think there are kids out there trying to get these things to work, wasting snacks on pet Happiness for no reward. Someone needs to take a look at how exactly the rewards for these Adventure Talents were supposed to work and why they do not.

Thank you.

Nov 16, 2016
I agree. The Scout talents work fine. I have tried the Finder talent numerous times on several pets and gotten nothing as a bonus.

Mar 28, 2009
Angus Goldvault on Oct 11, 2021 wrote:
I agree. The Scout talents work fine. I have tried the Finder talent numerous times on several pets and gotten nothing as a bonus.
Perhaps the lack of response to this topic only goes to show how little value most players find in these so-called Adventure Talents? Why would anyone pursue manifesting a pet talent that they hear over and over does not work?

Except me. I did it - but then, I hoped that they did work.

Halloween Chick on Oct 8, 2021 wrote:
I have spent quite some time manifesting and testing several different types of Adventure Talents on several pets, only to be quite disappointed in my results. I don't believe any of the Talents work properly, other than the school Scout Talents that occasionally find bonus reagents. The wizard is actually rewarded with Gold as a "consolation prize" when the Scout is unsuccessful. Gold Rusher actually cannot be verified, since only one amount of Gold is rewarded, but I will give Kingsisle the benefit of the doubt and say that the pet returns a larger amount of Gold than if the Wizard had just opened the chest.

The Hunter, Finder and Seed Finder Talents -- not to mention the Halloween-specific and currently desirable Talent, Track-R-Treater do NOT work. I have spent hours waiting for cooldowns of these Talents in order to repeatedly test them for Absolutely ZERO rewards. No one else on Wizard101 Central has reported receiving any rewards, either.

The cooldowns on these Talents would make sense if fabulous rewards were actually coming my way, but six to eight minutes in order to use them again just to be skunked over and over is a cruel punishment in a family-friendly game. I hate to think there are kids out there trying to get these things to work, wasting snacks on pet Happiness for no reward. Someone needs to take a look at how exactly the rewards for these Adventure Talents were supposed to work and why they do not.

Thank you.

Hello! Thank you for the reports. If you are still having problems please send a ticket in to Customer Support.

Nov 16, 2016

I don't think this is an issue for a support ticket to Customer Support as it is not a problem unique to our accounts. It is a problem of how the loot table and RNG for the drops for the Finder and other talents are set. It affects everyone trying to use a pet with the Finder talent. I think that is a developer issue to examine the frequency at which a drop that is supposed to be found by the Finder talent is actually dropped. What we are saying is that there appears to be no evidence that the what is supposed to be found by the Finder talent drops for anyone, ever.

Mar 28, 2009
Maceryn on Oct 15, 2021 wrote:
Hello! Thank you for the reports. If you are still having problems please send a ticket in to Customer Support.
I could do a ticket to Customer Support, but in my experience they would waste their time and mine going through the script -- asking for wizard names and more details, asking if I can replicate the "bug," telling me that the rewards are considered "spoiler" information, or that there wasn't anything they could do but refer it to someone else.

I agree with @Angus Goldvault - this is a developer issue because it affects all of the Adventure Talents except the school Scout group. The Scout Talents are the only ones that can be verified, because if it works, there are actual reagents received, and there is a Gold amount rewarded if no bonus reagents are given.

I would also like to suggest that the Gold Rusher Talent be modified to indicate success like the Scout Talents, reporting a basic amount from the chest and a separate amount for the bonus gold rewarded for using the Talent. Otherwise there is no way to verify that Gold Rusher works as intended either.