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13th Birthday Fishing Tournament - Sep. 10-12th

Dec 09, 2008
Happy 13th birthday month Wizards!

While celebrations have just begin, the grand finale of them all will be the upcoming fishing tournament on September 10-12th.

Check it out: https://www.wizard101.com/game/fishing-tournament

Eel Type Fish
  • Brain Sturgeon
  • Dragon Eel
  • Dragonfly Fish
  • Dragonling Fish
  • Duckbill Eel
  • Elephant Fish
  • GarGoyle
  • Garrrfish
  • Krokotopian Eel
  • Long John Silverfish
  • Quetzacodl
  • Royal Gurnard
  • Spyre Eel
  • Sturgeon General
  • Sword Tail
  • Todd Pole
  • Undead Spyre Eel
Dekoi Type Fish
  • Charred Dekoi
  • Corroded Dekoi
  • Fabled Dekoi
  • Frost Dekoi
  • Jolted Dekoi
  • Mainstream Dekoi
  • Mud Dekoi
Jellyfish Type
  • Blackberry Jellyfish
  • Grape Jellyfish
  • Marmalade Jellyfish
  • Strawberry Jellyfish

Recent Community Questions

Q: Can I sell my fish I caught?

A: Yes, we keep track, so you don't have to keep them.

Q: Is there a way to see the progress of other players?

A: Unfortunately it's all internal tracking, we don't have a leaderboard setup :(.

Q: Am I able to win in more than one category?

A: We will be selecting the top winner once in their top ranked category.

Q: When does the contest run for in its entirety?

A: Contest runs from Midnight CST Sep. 10th to 11:59pm CST Sep. 12th.

Remember, until the 10th arrives, fish caught beforehand won't count (but it's good practice).

Happy fishing!

Aug 22, 2010
Sparck. on Sep 1, 2021 wrote:
Happy 13th birthday month Wizards!

While celebrations have just begin, the grand finale of them all will be the upcoming fishing tournament on September 10-12th.

Check it out: https://www.wizard101.com/game/fishing-tournament

Eel Type Fish
  • Brain Sturgeon
  • Dragon Eel
  • Dragonfly Fish
  • Dragonling Fish
  • Duckbill Eel
  • Elephant Fish
  • GarGoyle
  • Garrrfish
  • Krokotopian Eel
  • Long John Silverfish
  • Quetzacodl
  • Royal Gurnard
  • Spyre Eel
  • Sturgeon General
  • Sword Tail
  • Todd Pole
  • Undead Spyre Eel
Dekoi Type Fish
  • Charred Dekoi
  • Corroded Dekoi
  • Fabled Dekoi
  • Frost Dekoi
  • Jolted Dekoi
  • Mainstream Dekoi
  • Mud Dekoi
Jellyfish Type
  • Blackberry Jellyfish
  • Grape Jellyfish
  • Marmalade Jellyfish
  • Strawberry Jellyfish

Recent Community Questions

Q: Can I sell my fish I caught?

A: Yes, we keep track, so you don't have to keep them.

Q: Is there a way to see the progress of other players?

A: Unfortunately it's all internal tracking, we don't have a leaderboard setup :(.

Q: Am I able to win in more than one category?

A: We will be selecting the top winner once in their top ranked category.

Q: When does the contest run for in its entirety?

A: Contest runs from Midnight CST Sep. 10th to 11:59pm CST Sep. 12th.

Remember, until the 10th arrives, fish caught beforehand won't count (but it's good practice).

Happy fishing!

Aug 19, 2012
Sparck. on Sep 1, 2021 wrote:
Happy 13th birthday month Wizards!

While celebrations have just begin, the grand finale of them all will be the upcoming fishing tournament on September 10-12th.

Check it out: https://www.wizard101.com/game/fishing-tournament

Eel Type Fish
  • Brain Sturgeon
  • Dragon Eel
  • Dragonfly Fish
  • Dragonling Fish
  • Duckbill Eel
  • Elephant Fish
  • GarGoyle
  • Garrrfish
  • Krokotopian Eel
  • Long John Silverfish
  • Quetzacodl
  • Royal Gurnard
  • Spyre Eel
  • Sturgeon General
  • Sword Tail
  • Todd Pole
  • Undead Spyre Eel
Dekoi Type Fish
  • Charred Dekoi
  • Corroded Dekoi
  • Fabled Dekoi
  • Frost Dekoi
  • Jolted Dekoi
  • Mainstream Dekoi
  • Mud Dekoi
Jellyfish Type
  • Blackberry Jellyfish
  • Grape Jellyfish
  • Marmalade Jellyfish
  • Strawberry Jellyfish

Recent Community Questions

Q: Can I sell my fish I caught?

A: Yes, we keep track, so you don't have to keep them.

Q: Is there a way to see the progress of other players?

A: Unfortunately it's all internal tracking, we don't have a leaderboard setup :(.

Q: Am I able to win in more than one category?

A: We will be selecting the top winner once in their top ranked category.

Q: When does the contest run for in its entirety?

A: Contest runs from Midnight CST Sep. 10th to 11:59pm CST Sep. 12th.

Remember, until the 10th arrives, fish caught beforehand won't count (but it's good practice).

Happy fishing!
When asking for 'most rare' or 'most Dekoi' do you want the most of a single type, or the most of any that we can get? Like the most rare fish in general, and the most Dekoi fish, and not the most Fire Dekoi fish

May 14, 2009
Never posted on the forum before, but... I'm interested in this contest and have a couple of questions so, now seems like a better time than ever!
Do the rewards overlap? Let's say I catch the largest codfather fish, which is for the bundle and 10,000 crowns, but also catch the most Epic fish, which is for the 30,000 crowns/bundle reward... Do I get 40,000 crowns and two bundles, or just the 30,000 crowns and one, leaving the lesser spot for another?
Also, are there tiebreakers? Or can multiple anglers get the potential reward for the same requirement? If two people catch the most epic fish, how do you guys handle that?
Also Also, will there be a reward for the winning screenshot?
Lastly, when you guys list he/she who catches the highest "variety of fish" as one of the contest winners for the 30 K crowns and bundle, do you guys mean the most fish caught, or the most species caught? As, while there is a finite amount of fish species, you can theoretically catch an infinite number of fish, even if they are all just mainstream dekois...
Haha, sorry for all the questions!

Dec 09, 2008
Dec 09, 2008
pattar889 on Sep 6, 2021 wrote:
When asking for 'most rare' or 'most Dekoi' do you want the most of a single type, or the most of any that we can get? Like the most rare fish in general, and the most Dekoi fish, and not the most Fire Dekoi fish
If it doesn't say fire dekoi specifically, and just dekoi, then it's 'the most dekoi fish'. For 'most rare', that means the rarest one.

Dec 09, 2008
greenmachine101 on Sep 8, 2021 wrote:
Never posted on the forum before, but... I'm interested in this contest and have a couple of questions so, now seems like a better time than ever!
Do the rewards overlap? Let's say I catch the largest codfather fish, which is for the bundle and 10,000 crowns, but also catch the most Epic fish, which is for the 30,000 crowns/bundle reward... Do I get 40,000 crowns and two bundles, or just the 30,000 crowns and one, leaving the lesser spot for another?
Also, are there tiebreakers? Or can multiple anglers get the potential reward for the same requirement? If two people catch the most epic fish, how do you guys handle that?
Also Also, will there be a reward for the winning screenshot?
Lastly, when you guys list he/she who catches the highest "variety of fish" as one of the contest winners for the 30 K crowns and bundle, do you guys mean the most fish caught, or the most species caught? As, while there is a finite amount of fish species, you can theoretically catch an infinite number of fish, even if they are all just mainstream dekois...
Haha, sorry for all the questions!
No worries at all, these are great questions!

For tie-breakers, both who matched the same level would get the reward.

You only get to win once, so the second achievement would be null and the next person would get it. This prevents someone from 'getting it all', which just would not be fair or fun. You also now have to consider which category to perhaps focus on if you want to win (assuming you have the option to focus).

Most species caught for the variety question.

Good luck Michael. and welcome to the forums!

Aug 21, 2009
Happy 13th wizard101!!
So...a fishing tournament, interesting choice. Sadly for me I am failing greatly at this event, with 281 energy (all spent for now) I have not caught one single fish required to start my way on this voyage. Good luck to all and maybe good luck to me tomorrow when my energy is refilled

Mar 30, 2013
are all fishes in game? coz i didnt see like sun shark, spring fish...

Mar 02, 2011
Sparck. on Sep 1, 2021 wrote:
Happy 13th birthday month Wizards!

While celebrations have just begin, the grand finale of them all will be the upcoming fishing tournament on September 10-12th.

Check it out: https://www.wizard101.com/game/fishing-tournament

Eel Type Fish
  • Brain Sturgeon
  • Dragon Eel
  • Dragonfly Fish
  • Dragonling Fish
  • Duckbill Eel
  • Elephant Fish
  • GarGoyle
  • Garrrfish
  • Krokotopian Eel
  • Long John Silverfish
  • Quetzacodl
  • Royal Gurnard
  • Spyre Eel
  • Sturgeon General
  • Sword Tail
  • Todd Pole
  • Undead Spyre Eel
Dekoi Type Fish
  • Charred Dekoi
  • Corroded Dekoi
  • Fabled Dekoi
  • Frost Dekoi
  • Jolted Dekoi
  • Mainstream Dekoi
  • Mud Dekoi
Jellyfish Type
  • Blackberry Jellyfish
  • Grape Jellyfish
  • Marmalade Jellyfish
  • Strawberry Jellyfish

Recent Community Questions

Q: Can I sell my fish I caught?

A: Yes, we keep track, so you don't have to keep them.

Q: Is there a way to see the progress of other players?

A: Unfortunately it's all internal tracking, we don't have a leaderboard setup :(.

Q: Am I able to win in more than one category?

A: We will be selecting the top winner once in their top ranked category.

Q: When does the contest run for in its entirety?

A: Contest runs from Midnight CST Sep. 10th to 11:59pm CST Sep. 12th.

Remember, until the 10th arrives, fish caught beforehand won't count (but it's good practice).

Happy fishing!

Aug 19, 2012
Hello there again, I noticed the prize for the 10k crowns and the Mystic Fishing Bundle was changed to up to 5k crowns and the Mystic Fishing Bundle, was this done on purpose? Because I entered fully expecting both the 10k crowns and the Bundle as promised, and am not a bit disappointed I may not get up to half the amount of crowns I was told I'd get

Feb 12, 2015
So it appears that I have won smallest Eel-type fish... I was not expecting that.

My thanks to Kingsisle for hosting contests to excite the community, and giving out such generous prizes while doing so. Hoping the rest of the birthday celebrations will be just as fun!

Brian Waterspear, Level 130

pattar889 on Sep 16, 2021 wrote:
Hello there again, I noticed the prize for the 10k crowns and the Mystic Fishing Bundle was changed to up to 5k crowns and the Mystic Fishing Bundle, was this done on purpose? Because I entered fully expecting both the 10k crowns and the Bundle as promised, and am not a bit disappointed I may not get up to half the amount of crowns I was told I'd get
Hello! This has been changed on the web page to up to 10,000. Sorry for any confusion!

Dec 09, 2008
Lookit Light on Sep 16, 2021 wrote:
So it appears that I have won smallest Eel-type fish... I was not expecting that.

My thanks to Kingsisle for hosting contests to excite the community, and giving out such generous prizes while doing so. Hoping the rest of the birthday celebrations will be just as fun!

Brian Waterspear, Level 130
Congrats on winning in the tournament! Let me know if you still are waiting for your prizes.

Oct 08, 2016