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Bug Report: Azteca SpellwritWingedTooth Animus and Marleybone Shrieker

Jun 27, 2010
This has been pointed out before and is in the wiki, but not sure if the developers have seen or heard about this yet. The creature Spellwrit Winged Tooth of the Lost pages event can have its animus collected and shows the correct text with the Dino spell, but it does not appear/have a page in the monstrology tome like the other spellwrit creatures- so it is certainly a bug. Can this be fixed before the end of the event?

Part 2: In Newgate Prison, Marleybone there are several types of undead that are collectable with the Undead spell. However, the Shrieker is uncollectable and not in the monstrology tome despite being a banshee model/clearly undead. Certainly a bug and an overlooked enemy, if the devs feel like adding it!