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Photomancy Hotkey

Jun 16, 2010
Hi There,

I have continually had issues where I will be intending to hit 'x' or 'a' or 's', but instead have hit 'z'. This has been made the photomancy hotkey, which pushes you into your camera. This frequently will become stuck in camera mode, not allowing me to exit. Is there a way to unbind that key or make photomancy have an icon similarly to the pet icon??

Thanks in advance!

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I have also had this issue. It's especially annoying because pressing it again doesn't close the window.

Jun 06, 2009
YES I do that all the time as well! I understand why KI felt a hotkey might be a good addition, but honestly, do people even use photomancy enough to justify giving it its own hotkey? And placing it right next to the "x" key doesn't seem like such a great idea. If it were just like any of the other hotkeys where it just opens up a page, I wouldn't mind it so much. But the fact that it forces you to stop moving until you either exit or hit "z" again is kind of annoying...

Jun 19, 2010
I absolutely agree - having it so close to the "X" key is such a pain. Those few seconds to get out of it, if you can get out of it, can be crucial in so many situations. Where there are so many things that we must click "X" for both Z and C should be dead keys. Way too easy to have a finger slide and hit the wrong key, or hit both X and the one beside it.