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May 01, 2021
Please raise the level from 25 to 30 when we get the message to start the MooShu quests. The end boss is impossible. Why wreck the storyline for everyone by making them start a questline they can't finish for another 5 - 10 levels? Most of the drops seem to be for Level 35+ too. Just a waste of time for lowbies.

Jun 10, 2012
bring life shield and a reshuffle,(tc work too)

if you are life wizard (and i guess you are) you can use dispel if he have too much pip and find infallible tc at the bazaar http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/TreasureCard:Infallible#axzz6vXucp3fb

stack blade and spiritual blades and trap/spiritual traps (a feint or tc feint help a lot a feint and a tc feint help even more), putting a prism before he shield death will ignore the death shield so dont hesitate to put 2 or 3 prism if needed but with infaillible consider he has a constant tower shield on him

use fairy if you need healing and not critical in health and satyr if thats critical

he will weakness so if you have small hit other than life that would help (and if death wand hit you can use to break his shields so even better)

(some useful tc : blade for your school and balance blade, feint hex curse school trap, star auras, heals

and finally team up if you need help maybe someone need your help to pass him too.