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Being clear about cheating with an Auto-Clicker

Oct 27, 2009
I've seen many people sit back and say that using an auto-clicker isnt cheating.

So to all you people using one, it is cheating by using a third party software program that
circumvents the program of Wiz101 itself.

It is also cheating because people who play with honor are getting what they do with hard effort.
With focus and work for someone to use 3rd party software to just copy and paste is
completely 100% like a person having someone go do their job while you just sit in the chair
letting them do the work for you.

So lets just make thing completely clear.

There are over 500,000 results on google about how auto-clickers are cheating.

So please KI I ask you to respond and make it completely clear that it is cheating.

Oct 27, 2009
I posted this 10 days ago, and here seems to be the conclusion.

The players who know it is a cheating situation that are honest,
have no reason to respond because they are honorable and agree.

or the one's who cheat and use dishonorable means with an Auto-clicker
won't post because they know they are cheating and would be revealing
themselves as a cheater.

Therefore, I think the response being the non response pretty much
tells the story.