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New Utility Spells in Next world!! (Like Avalon)

Mar 23, 2011
Hey, I have been thinking and I really hope in the next world instead of getting a new shadow attack we get another round of 3-4 utility spells like we did in Avalon! I think that additions was one of the best things to happen in the game, and while some of those spells never caught on, some of them benefited the game immensely! I want people to comment ideas of utility spells that could be added, and maybe they could even be shadow utility spells!

Here are a few of my ideas:
-Critical boost blade, similar to the card on the professors hoard storm hat. just like how everyone got a pierce blade in Avalon, this time they get a critical boost blade
-Mega cleanse. Like shatter/enfeeble, but removes all negative charms
-Tri-shields. Looks like elemental/spiritual shields, but gives one wizard maybe like three 30% life shields or storm shields, etc
-A spell for ice that actually forces all enemies to only attack you for a few rounds. It would be kinda like taunt, but it works better because it forces the enemies to attack you.
-a fire spell that increases the tick on a dot by one. or maybe a mass detonate.
-a spell to steal a shadow pip from an enemy, maybe it costs like 6 normal pips.

Let me know if you guys agree and if you have any ideas!