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Grub Guardian Broken

Aug 09, 2019
Rewards are broken and not dropping anything. Not allowing me to feed my pet once the level is completed and I'm also not getting any pet exp for completing a level.

May 21, 2017
When I first started playing places like Cloudburst Forest and Tanglewood Way, I got quite a few hoard packs.
In fact, any map I haven't played yet, I can get the prizes described in the many guides if I play it tells me to come back in 24 hours.
But for some reason, after a day or two of playing the level again and again, I don't get any packs at all. And oddly enough, a large amount of Wooden Zebra Heads. It makes me wonder if the heads are a placeholder for what would have been a pack, but I can't figure out why. Is there a cool down to get packs?
I can only think this isn't intentional, because I've looked high and low and researched multiple times a day if others have this problem, and it seems most people had gotten packs multiple times no problem 2-3 years ago.
Could it be related to the migration?