During the February KI live, the senior producer mentioned that there is still a lot to do with the next world, and is still in early development. While I understand we are only in the second/third month of 2020, I find my self sitting here with a new question: Willthe next world be released during the usual Fall/Winter months this year?
While I welcome the dedication and time spent to make the next piece of content fantastic, I also get worried on the fact of it being two years without the new arc starting. To add to that, I also know the FTUE is (and glad it is) a priority. Or perhaps a possibility of NPC Renee Wooften and her team packing up and moving to Krokotopia!!??
At any rate, I’m just trying to get confirmation that we may or may not begin the new arc this year. Please don’t let this question bug you or put pressure on you. And if you don’t have an answer right now, it’s okay to say “Don’t know!”